This is one of the most recent methods of identifying your pet. If your pet should ever get lost, this is the best way of ensuring that you will be reunited. From april 2013 onwards it is compulsory to microchip your dog. A microchip is also necessary if you are planning to travel with your pet.
A microchip is a transponder the size of a rice grain. This transponder contains a unique number, which can be obtained with a microchip reader. The chip is placed under the skin with an injection needle over the left shoulder blade, this is usually quite pain free. The veterinarian will always check if the microchip is working properly before and after placement.
The unique serial number of the microchip is placed in the pet passport and on a registration form. The registration form had to be fully completed with your personal information: name, adres, telephonenumber and a signature.
We will send the registration form to the Nederlands Databank voor Gezelschapsdieren (NDG) which is the Dutch databank. You will receive a confirmation of this registration at home.