Taking your pet on a holiday IN the Netherlands
You may also be able to take your pet with you on holiday. A dog, rabbit, bird or rodent can easily come with you, for cats this can be more difficult as they tend to be very attached to their home environment.
There may be specific rules for your pet to be allowed to come with you to your holiday address. Always check if you can take your pet with you when making the reservations, and if there are any extra regulations applicable.
If your pet can come with you on holiday take some things from home with you. For a dog this can be a water/food bowl their own basket and some toys. For a bird or rabbit, take their own cage and bedding etc. Always take enough food for the trip, and medication if necessary. You may also take a history from your veterinarian with you, if your pet has specific medical needs.
Domestic diseases
Within the Netherlands there are also some diseases to watch out for. These are mainly parasitic diseases and more specifically ticks. These are even found in the city centre of Amsterdam!